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The St. Gallen Management Concept

The approach of the St.Gallen Management Model developed by the renowned professors Ulrich and Bleicher, which offers practical guidance, is today as internationally recognized as it is popular. It has had a lasting influence on the thinking of many managers working today. Today more than ever, the St. Gallen approach is being adopted in practice. One-dimensional thinking is “out”, holistic corporate management is “in”. After all, what good is it if employees are highly motivated but the company’s strategic direction is not right? If disruptive digital technologies are replacing the existing business model? What is the point of introducing “Leadership 4.0” if over-complexity and sluggish structures nip any initiative in the bud? Where do pioneering spirit and drive and start-ups lead if the necessary management systems are lacking to keep the company under control? However, the St.Gallen approach deliberately does not provide any recipes or simple patent solutions. Rather, it offers a framework with which managers can identify problems themselves and find possible solutions thanks to better knowledge of the overall context. 

Knut Bleicher – The concept of integrated management

Based on Prof. Dr. Ulrich, the forefather of the St. Gallen management theory, and developed by Prof. em. Dr. Dres. h.c. Knut Bleicher, has become the standard of modern management theory and is more relevant today than ever – precisely because it is based on the necessity of a long-term orientation of companies and the need to integrate all company activities. Topics: Management philosophy, vision, strategy, operational management, structures, processes, behavior.

The holistic approach of the St. Gallen Management Concept has had a lasting influence on the thinking and actions of countless managers over the last 25 years. In Europe’s standard work of management theory, managers find the framework for securing the future of their company. The success of Knut Bleicher’s life’s work is characterized above all by the fact that complex knowledge is transformed into high reader benefit.

The 9th updated edition of the St. Gallen Knowledge Navigator by Christian Abegglen guides the reader from theory to practice in integrated corporate development.

Now with St. Gallen starter package!

From the “Ich-AG” to the global corporation, alumni and seminar participants of the St. Gallen Business School have expanded their knowledge base with the 9th edition. Working papers, charts, roadmaps, instructions and vouchers are available digitally exclusively for readers of this book.

You will receive strategic food for thought that goes far beyond the operational business. The 9th edition – supported by the Gesellschaft Integriertes Management and the St. Gallen Business School – is being published to mark the 25th anniversary of this management classic.

For the adaptability of the St. Gallen concept, see here. You can find the flyer for the 9th edition here.

Comments on the 9th edition 2017

»One of the fundamental writings of modern management theory. A timeless practical guide and the basis for developing individual and sustainable strategies.« Dr. U. M. Schneider, CEO Nestlé S.A.

»The orientation framework for holistic management! A big hit!« Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. (em.) Peter Horváth, University of Stuttgart

»A special kind of management guide – practical models and concepts are presented concisely and comprehensively. An important read and a reference work for theory and practice alike.«Dr. Manfred Wittenstein, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of WITTENSTEIN SE

»There is no doubt that the work resonates with both academics and practitioners.« Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Heribert Meffert (em.)

»Integrated management – a handy concept that provides practical, everyday food for thought on how visions and strategies can be successfully implemented even in complex companies.« Bettina Würth, Chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the Würth Group

»I am delighted that the ideas behind the concept of integrated management are now available in an updated and practice-oriented form: an excellent approach to holistic management, and not just for economists.« o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heinrich C. Mayr, Rektor Alpen-Adria-University of Klagenfurt

»Knut Bleicher has once again succeeded in appealing to and enriching practitioners who think beyond the day-to-day.« Helmut O. Maucher, Honorary President Nestlé