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St. Gallen Business School

His successor Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Knut Bleicher optimized the model of Ulrich and developed the Concept of Integrated Management, that bears up tremendous developments (9th Edition 2017).

The seminar program of the Business School St. Gallen is based on the “St. Gallen Concept of an Integrated Management”. Today the St. Gallen Management-Concept is a gold standard within modern management training and development.

The Concept of Integrated Management provides a mental map and a steering aid meeting the needs of today›s profoundly complex and global challenges. However, the St. Gallen Approach intentionally advanced by Professor Knut Bleicher isn’t a recipe or a nostrum. In fact it offers a perfect framework – a “framework for meaning” (Ulrich) – which helps managers to identify and solve problems by themselves. Via the integrated process concepts the experienced manager acquires the essential thought-provoking impulses and instruments enabling them to apply the holistic St. Gallen body of thought within their own company. As a consequence manager acquires the library of solutions and basic concepts necessary to deal with the emerging changes.

The St. Gallen Concept by Prof. Bleicher has been recently published in the 9th edition (2017). The Integrated Management Concept of Knut Bleicher remains the central pillar of the St. Gallen framework of management. Moreover this integrated approach marks an explicit opposite pole to unidimensional management thinking especially widely spreaded among both Britain and the United States.


The nearby 100 lecturers (scientists, senior consultants, practitioners) of the St. Gallen Business School are proven experts within their area of expertise and convey their knowledge in a top-class and implementation-oriented manner.

“The Concept of Integrated Management”
(Campus, 9th edition)
Knut Bleicher
Human Resources Management
Knut Bleicher
Normative und Strategic Management
Knut Bleicher
Management in Transition
Knut Bleicher
Corporate Dynamics
Knut Bleicher
Knut Bleicher
Structures & Cultures of Organizations in Transition