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Führungskräfte Seminar. Führungskräftetraining. Führungskräfte Schulung.

Seit rund 40 Jahren hat die St. Gallen Business School einen klaren Auftrag:
Neues Management Wissen zu sammeln, auf Praxistauglichkeit zu prüfen und in Form von Führungskräfteseminaren, Führungskräftetraining und Führungskräfte Schulung in die Praxis zu überführen. Diese Seite bezweckt, Ihnen einen kompakten Überblick über unsere Führungskräfte Seminare zu geben. Die Angebote sind nach Rubriken unterteilt (z.B. Führungskräfteseminare für Executive Management), jedes Führungskräfteseminar wird kurz erläutert. Zusätzlich finden Sie im ‚Seminarkalender‘ eine Übersicht über die Daten der jeweiligen Durchführungen.

Um das für Sie bestgeeignete Führungskräfte Seminar zu finden, können Sie

  • Eine gezielte Suche in unserer ‚Suchmaschine für Seminare‘, Suse genannt, starten
  • Eine telefonische Beratung unter +41 71 225 40 80 anfordern.

Top Management & Executive Führungskräfteseminare:

Executive Management

Course Calendar

St. Gallen Executive Business School

In the 12-day St. Gallen Executive Business School (3 x 4 days), the main challenges facing executive managers and all important business management topics are comprehensively presented and trained.

CEO & Executive Management Program

Managers in executive functions are responsible for holistic success management. Based on the renowned St. Gallen approach, the central topics of holistic management are therefore dealt with. 4 + 4 days.

St. Gallen Managing Director Program

For experienced managers who want to develop towards management, e.g. for a subsidiary or a division of the company, or who already hold such a position. 4 + 4 + 4 days.

Effective Management Program

This 2 x 4-day management program, held in two parts, is aimed at managers with several years of experience who are looking for an update of their management knowledge and concrete impulses for their own management tasks.

Transformation- & Change Management Program

Skillfully implementing major necessary changes. 4 + 4 Days.

Managing Business Units

This program shows how management performs its leadership role in such a way that the business units develop successfully in the right direction and achieve excellent results. 4 + 4 days.

St. Gallen Executive Leadership Program

The St. Gallen Executive Leadership Program focuses on the really important questions of leadership from the perspective of the executive management of renowned companies and organizations. 4 + 4 days.

St. Gallen Senior Executive Program

For successful, experienced managers from the top and upper management levels of renowned companies and organizations. 4 + 4 days.

St. Gallen Corporate Management Program

Corporate management for general managers, in 3 parts.

St. Gallen Digital Strategy Program

New knowledge, best practices, exchange of experience and networking.

Digitalization, technology and new business models

Disruption as both a threat and an opportunity. New growth thanks to new technologies. 4 days.

General Management

Course Calendar

General Management: Strategy. Finance. Leadership.

During 12 intensive seminar days, you will gain decision-making aids and expertise on the most important current practical management issues. We will draw on new management practices as well as proven management knowledge based on numerous comparisons and examples from the best in the industry.

Results-oriented Management

Experience general management and holistic corporate management in a particularly intensive way: 4 days.

St. Gallen Management Program

Think holistically, act with commitment: The St. Gallen management approach. You will learn how to deal with complexity and make the right decisions even in difficult situations. 4 + 4 days.

General Management: The overall perspective

The aim of the 4-day “General Management Seminar” is to provide an overview of the most important management concepts and aspects of leadership in an intensive, comprehensible form.

Setting the Course of the Company

Participants learn how top managers fulfill their responsibility to set guidelines. 3 + 4 days.

Normative Management & Sustainability

Holistic management in practical application. 4 + 4 days in St. Gallen.
Part 1: Learning the St. Gallen management approach. Part 2: Application for your own management success.

Successfully managing a profit center/business unit

Take responsibility for a profit center or business unit. Manage the area of responsibility successfully and sustainably. 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 days.

High-performance organization & Excellence in day-to-day business

Higher productivity. Better performance. Operational excellence. This program shows how managers can achieve this in their own area of responsibility. 4 + 4 days.

Optimal organization: Structure. Dynamics. Agility.

The seminar “Optimal organization: Structure. Dynamics. Agility.” provides managers with the knowledge they need to effectively design and dynamically adapt corporate structures. Learn how to promote agility, self-organization and operational excellence in order to secure competitive advantages and successfully manage change. Ideal for decision-makers. 4 days

Management & Finance

For  younger managers and high potentials. 4 + 4 days.

Advanced Junior Program

This program accelerates your career progression from specialist to generalist (f/m). 4 + 4 days

General management, Finance & Leadership

3-part management program for junior staff and junior managers. 4 + 4 + 4 days.

Business administration, management & leadership behavior

This seminar teaches the essential basics of management, corporate governance and personal leadership behavior. 4 + 4 days.


Seminarkalender Führungskräfte Seminare

Personal Leadership Effectiveness

You learn to check and control your impact on others and to mobilize your personal performance and creativity potential effectively. 4 + 4 days.

Leadership for Executives

In discussion with the participants, the experienced instructors bring proven and new management knowledge to the point and show where they see the real levers for increasing their personal management power. 4 + 4 days.

Executive Leadership I: Leading managers

Program for senior executives of renowned companies who lead executives themselves. Executive leadership begins when it comes to aligning a large number of people towards common results. 4 + 4 days.

Executive Leadership II: Managing larger units or an entire organization

Leading larger units or an entire organization: Participants are executives, top and senior managers and top performers with significant leadership responsibilities and several years of leadership experience. They know that there are always new situations in the company that require a review of their own leadership principles and type of leadership. This seminar offers an ideal platform for such an "assessment of personal leadership logic" as a responsible leader. 4 days.

Change Management: successfully implementing change

8 days for all those who want to successfully manage change processes in their own area of responsibility: Creating the conditions, tools for change and transformation. Correct change management for more successful implementation. Leadership training for managers who need to bring about significant change.

Corporate leadership: Managing a corporate division

Inspire employees for the common future, exemplify values, achieve high goals, create job satisfaction. 4 + 4 days.

Advanced Leadership

More leadership - more impact. Leadership in practice. 4 + 4 days.

Leadership and High-Performance Organization

Nach diesem 7-tägigen Programm wissen Sie, wie Sie das operative Tagesgeschäft konsequent von sich fernhalten, wie Strukturen und Prozesse verbessern und und wo Sie bei sich ansetzen müssen, um Ihren persönlichen Wirkungsgrad zu steigern.

Leadership, motivation and performance

Leadership means achieving overarching goals and guiding a large number of employees towards a desired future. This seminar shows which tools, methods and personal skills should be used to achieve this. It helps to manage a larger area of responsibility according to the recognized rules of management theory. 4 + 4 days.


Seminarkalender Führungskräftetraining

Intensive Leadership Program

Overall context of results-oriented management as preparation for a higher role in the company. For the leaders of the future. 4 + 4 days.

Personal Leadership Effectiveness

You learn to check and control your impact on others and to mobilize your personal performance and creativity potential effectively. 4 + 4 days

Motivating Leadership Behavior

The program enables you to recognize your own strengths in the leadership process and to develop your ability to demonstrate motivating leadership behavior

Developing leadership skills

For managers who want to inspire their employees to achieve common goals and success. For managers who want to achieve ambitious results primarily through motivated employees. 4 + 4 days.

Leadership Behavior in the Team

What does it take to effectively support bosses?
How do junior staff position themselves as talents worthy of support? 4 + 4 days.

Social competence and motivational power

Social skills are based on emotionality, strengths in dealing with people, respect and empathy, and group dynamics. Social competence is needed. 4 days.

Leadership. Appearance. Impact.

If you want to lead yourself and others effectively in the long term and achieve higher goals, if you want to represent your company and your area of responsibility credibly to the outside world, you need a sound knowledge of your own personality. 4 + 3 days.

Leadership Behavior and Leadership Competence

What skills do you need to be a successful manager? This seminar shows which skills and abilities managers and specialists need in order to be successful in their working environment. Participants learn to recognize their own strengths and potential for optimization as a manager or specialist. 4 + 4 days.

Leadership through Personality

Personal appearance has a decisive influence on the effect on others and therefore on whether or not goals are achieved in a conversation, negotiation or meeting. This seminar offers the opportunity to recognize your personal appearance and to improve it in a targeted manner so that the effect achieved is noticeably increased. 4 days.

Finanzen, Controlling

Seminarkalender Führungskräfte Seminar

Strategic Financial Management

Turning cleverly designed strategies into financial excellence.
For participants at the interface between strategy concept and financial consequences. 4 + 4 days.

Financial management for Executives

Responsibility for financial results

Executive Financial Management: knowledge and application

Above-average profitability, profitable growth and a healthy financial position with a sustainable increase in value. 4 + 4 days.

St. Gallen Finance Course

Taking on management responsibility and delivering results requires competence in dealing with all aspects of operational accounting and financial management. 4 + 4 days.

Financial knowledge for Managers

The 4-day seminar is aimed at managers, specialists and top performers from all areas of the company. They receive a systematic overview of the most important topics in finance and accounting.

High Potential Finance Program

Financial literacy in 3 parts. Understanding the interrelationships, instruments, decisions and programs of financial management. Target group: High potentials, 30 - 48 years old. 10 days in 3 parts.

Planning, Budgeting & Cost Management

This seminar helps you build up the necessary basis in a comprehensive and easily understandable way. 4 dasis.

Strategie, Marketing, Sales

Seminarkalender Führungskräfteseminare

Customer Value, Marketing und Vertriebsstrategie

Das neue Marketing. Der wirkungsvolle Vertrieb. 4 + 3 Tage.

Marketing, Sales & Controlling

Eine vertiefte Ausbildung und ein Training in allen Belangen des Marketingspektrums gehören heute zum notwendigen Rüstzeug aller Führungskräfte und Fachspezialisten. In diesem Intensivlehrgang wird das gesicherte Marketingwissen trainiert, so wie es in zunehmend digital geprägten Märkten von führenden Unternehmen erfolgreich eingesetzt wird. 4 + 4 + 3 Tage.

New Business, Digital

Seminarkalender Führungskräfte Seminare

Digital Business Transformation

Using numerous examples, you will learn how successful companies stay one step ahead of the competition and transform business models and leadership into a new world. 4 + 4 days.

Building profitable market positions

Building and securing strong market positions.
Building start-ups in established companies, increasing profitability, return on investment and company value. 4 + 4 days.

Innovation and Financial Management

Is innovation worthwhile? How boldly should or must investments in innovation be made? What financial consequences can be expected if large investments are made in the future, further fixed costs are built up and additional capital is tied up? 4 + 4 days.

Disruption, Innovation, Transformation

Advanced Change Management Program: Changes and upheavals take place at different levels in a company. Thanks to a holistic approach, our approach allows you to select exactly those changes that are really relevant from the multitude of possible changes. 4 + 4 days.

New business models and start-up management

High-potential program in 2 parts. From the digital or analog business idea to the development and market launch concept. From the business idea to a profitable business. How do you develop a promising new business? 4 + 4 days.

Building up new business successfully

A successful future thanks to new business. From the creation of promising business ideas, the new business model, the innovation and development strategy to world-class sales. 4 + 4 days.

From business idea to market success

In this program you will learn how to direct the innovative power of the company towards promising new business projects. 4 + 4 days.

Business competence and entrepreneurship

Business acumen and entrepreneurial talent should be recognized and developed at a young age. Entrepreneurship is based on visions, business ideas and the strength to develop these into concrete service offerings and successfully implement them on the market. 4 days.

High Potentials- & Junior-Entwicklungsprogramme

Course Calendar

Führungskräfte Ausbildung und Führungskräfteseminare  für High Potentials

Diese Führungskräfte Seminare der SGBS St. Gallen Business School richten sich an das Management der Zukunft. Die im Rahmen des Talentmanagements als besonders förderungswürdig eingestuften High Potentials sind meist im Alter von 32 bis 45 Jahren, haben einige Jahre Praxiserfahrung und sollen nun durch bestmögliche Führungsseminare auf ihre (mögliche) zukünftige Rolle im Unternehmen vorbereitet werden.

Nachwuchs Führungskräfte Ausbildung und Nachwuchs Führungskräfteseminare  für Advanced Juniors

Noch nicht ganz so weit in der Entwicklung zur Führungskraft sind die Nachwuchskräfte des Unternehmens, die Advanced Juniors. Viele von Ihnen haben eine Ausbildung, oft einen Hochschul- oder Universitätsabschluss. Ihren Berufseinstieg haben sie erfolgreich geschafft. Sie gelten heute als hoffnungsvolle Nachwuchskräfte, die mit angepassten Nachwuchs Führungskräfte Seminaren gefördert werden sollen.

Das Management der Zukunft intern heranbilden
Beide Zielgruppen gehören zum Talentpool, aus welchem das Management der Zukunft herangebildet werden soll. Natürlich kann man Führungskräfte auch extern rekrutieren, mit Hilfe von Personalberatern und Headhuntern. Oft macht es auch Sinn, neue Kompetenzen und neue Impulse durch eine externe Besetzung ‚einzukaufen‘. In den meisten Fällen jedoch ist es unerlässlich, den überwiegenden Teil der Management Positionen mit ‚Eigengewächsen‘ zu besetzen. Diese müssen schrittweise herangebildet werden:

  • durch geeignete Führungskräfteseminare
  • durch eine mehrjährige Führungskräfteentwicklung, siehe
  • durch begleitendes Führungskräfte Coaching, siehe